Tahoe Outdoor Recreation Insurance: Dangers of Rattlesnakes

While outdoor recreation has a strong presence throughout the year in California, summer time often brings adventurists out to enjoy and explore the great outdoors in countless diverse, fun and exciting ways. This is often one of the most lucrative times for the outdoor recreation industry; however it can also bring some of the greatest liability exposures. As the weather warms up and people venture outdoors, outdoor safety becomes a high priority. It is essential that Tahoe outdoor recreation services address the health and safety of clients, to best minimize the risk of outdoor accidents or misadventures.
Summertime not only brings heat and fire related hazards, it also marks one of the peak seasons for animal activity. Snakes and reptiles become especially common as they emerge to enjoy the sunshine. California is home to thirty-three native species of snakes. While many of the native species are nonthreatening, six species are in fact venomous members of the viper family. California’s rattlesnakes are arguably the most commonly observed species in many parts of the state, where they can be found on trails, roads and in yards throughout the state.
There are roughly 8,000 cases of envenomation each year in North America. The severity of a snake bite is highly reliant on the amount of venom injected and the amount of time it takes to receive treatment. Depending on the severity, a snake bite can result in everything from hospitalization to fatality. The California Poison Control Center notes that rattlesnakes deliver more than 800 bites each year. Bites most commonly occur between the months of April and October when the weather is warm.
While education about the dangers of California’s reptilian wildlife is prevalent, not all nature lovers are aware of these threats and how to properly avoid an encounter with a toxic snake. It is important that the Tahoe outdoor recreation industry works with state and local officials to help monitor trails and terrain, as well as help educate hikers, bikers and other outdoor activity seekers about the local natural hazards. Not only is doing so a public service, but cautioning guest and clients about potential natural hazards can also help decrease an operation’s liability exposure to claims of negligence or other professional misconduct. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife offers great resources to help raise awareness about rattlesnake safety, which can help keep your clients and staff members safe in the outdoors.
At Cal-Nevada Insurance Agency we understand that the Tahoe outdoor recreation industry faces many unique risk exposures due to the unpredictability of working with nature. Even when the best safety and precautionary measures are taken, accidents can still occur and things can go unexpectedly wrong. That’s why we specialize in providing complete Tahoe outdoor recreation insurance solutions for outdoor recreation industry members from ski resorts to nature guides. We can provide all the essential property and liability coverage measure to protect any recreational operation. Give us a call today at (866) 670-5948 for more information about how to start crafting the best policy for your operation.