Piecing Together the Right Lake Tahoe Landscaping Insurance Policy

Insurers often lump artisan contractors, such as landscaping professionals, into the same insurance category as a general contractor in order to simplify risk assessment and policy planning, however these two categories are far from the same. Artisan contractors often specialize in one or two specific areas of practice, offering expertise and skilled services within their chose fields. On the other hand, general contractors often know a little about a lot of fields. They rarely specialize in a single area but possess the ability to work in a variety of different settings and oversee the entire construction project in a more managerial role. While many contractors face similar risk exposures, each specialty or area of expertise presents highly specific hazards. That’s why Cal-Nevada Insurance Agency is committed to providing comprehensive risk management services to artisan contractors and Lake Tahoe Landscaping Insurance programs tailored to each individual industry’s needs.
As a Nevada landscaping professional, and artisan contractor, you face a variety of niche exposure that should be properly accounted for in your Lake Tahoe Landscaping Insurance Program. Landscaping professionals often unknowingly face a wide variety of risk exposures through their daily operation which are seldom accounted for. Some of the most common exposures your landscaping operation faces involve the safety and protection of your employees and company assets. The most essential coverage for Landscaping professionals includes:
- Professional Liability Coverage can help financially protect you and your operation from errors, omissions, contract breaches and other professional misconduct or mishaps.
- Business Auto Insurance can protect not only company owned vehicles but non-owned vehicles used for business as well, such as employee owned cars, truck and other means of transportation. A business auto insurance policy can help cover the cost of damages don’t too a vehicle or inflicted by a vehicle, driver or company owned property.
- Business Property Insurance is designed to insure tangible company from damage, breakdown, malfunction and destruction. Special additions such as equipment breakdown, inland marine and coverage for stored items can be added to a policy to ensure that all malfunctioning properties, in-transit, and stored items are secured from a variety of dangers.
- Workers Comp insurance is an essential for any business, but the specific workplace hazards your employees will face should be adequately accounted for in the event of a worksite accident. Our workers comp programs can help ease the financial burden of an injury claim to ensure that both your operation and workers are provided for.
At Cal-Nevada we are proud to provide risk management advice and insurance for all kinds of artisan contractors, including Lake Tahoe landscaping professionals. For more information about any of our commercial programs or offerings call us today at (866) 670-5948.